Wednesday, October 07, 2009

HP ZV5000 XP SP3 causes reboot fix

OK. You install XP SP3 on your AMD HP ZV5000 and now the POS is in a reboot loop.


Install windows, install drivers including chipset, cpu drivers, etc from the HP/ Support page. Then do Windows Update "Custom" and install all critical updates except for SP3. Once all critical updates are installed allow Windows Update to install SP3.

One of those updates is a patch to fix the SP3 issue. Worked for me.

Friday, September 25, 2009

UPS efficiency defined in 6,000 mile trip

Look at the route UPS took to deliver my package (actually not delivered yet). It looks more like a drunk retired hippy in his Winnebago doing a cross country road trip than an efficient Billion dollar company. No left turn UPS, yea right.

High res pic Map
High res pic tracking
